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    Vodafone tracks IoT Assets in Qatar World Cup


    A nation in digital transformation needs its IoT assets tracked

    Vodafone Qatar has launched an Asset Tracking system that makes digital transformation (DT) less painful by making the Internet of Things (IoT) less wasteful. The new end-to-end IoT Asset Tracking solution gives instant feedback on issues that threaten to make cost escalate, like asset location and environmental conditions. It multi-tasks and tracks multiple assets at once as it both alerts and report to managers, reported Gulf Times. It is suitable to industries that might use heavy machinery, such as construction, mining or oil exploration. It is also ideal for those who deal in logistics such as freight, or public transport. Or indeed those who use both, such as air, ferry and shipping ports. There are many examples, but anything involving high value goods and movable equipment is a good yardstick. Or indeed, organising a World Cup which focuses the eyes the world on a nation.

    Cost of footy

    The upcoming World Cup in Qatar is presenting huge logistical issues for the construction, transport and comms industries. From November the tournament takes place at eight stadia, seven of which are new and one underwent a huge redevelopment to bring it up to capacity, according to Sky News. Ever since Qatar was controversially awarded the event by world football governing body FIFA in December 2010, the country has been developing an infrastructure that will be able to accommodate an anticipated 1.5 million visitors. The cost of the stadia and the cost of Qatar’s infrastructure development, including hotels, roads, public spaces and transport, is around $220bn, according to the country’s ambassador to Russia in October, as quoted by Russia’s Tass news agency. Doha-based Vodafone Qatar is offering to rationalise the operating costs. 

    No DT without IoT

    Vodafone’s IoT Asset Tracking system comes in two packages, one for large enterprises and one for smaller ones. They didn’t define at what stage an enterprise is defined as small. All users will manage their assets through a self-service IoT web portal and mobile application while monitoring remotely in the field. Both systems allow for tracking, dashboard access, reports and alerts notifications.

    Track back

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an enterprise that is going through a digital transformation must be in want of an asset tracker, according to Mahday Saad al-Hebabi, Vodafone Qatar Business Services director, “businesses should not spend precious time figuring out which technologies are best suited to them. They need IoT solutions that are easy to deploy, accessible and affordable, so that they can shift their focus and efforts towards achieving their business goals.”