




    DT signs up its first Business GPT customer

    The UKA Group specialises in renewable energy and has access to a secure, regulation-compliant, cloud-based tool for Generative AI

    Swisscom takes majority stake in open source specialist Camptocamp

    The Swiss giant intends to combine its portfolio with open source expertise to expand its managed IT services

    Rakuten Symphony to offer Telco Cloud training via TIP Academy

    The three new courses will cover zero-touch automation, architecture design and matching cloud-native strategy to demands on the network

    Security automation is an operational imperative

    Automation of security processes can boost brand reputation and ensure compliance with increasingly stringent regulatory obligations

    Europe to toughen up subsea cable protection stance  

    Similar to what happened with 5G networks, the Commission’s new report recommends phasing out risky providers of subsea cables

    Turkcell calls on Mavenir’s CI/CD tech for VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling

    The vendor has a slew of contracts in the Middle East, and central Europe; teams up with Qualcomm on high density Open vRAN

    TIGO Tanzania taps Globe Teleservices for A2P SMS firewall

    The firewall will tackle SMS fraud, like smishing, SIM farming, grey routes, SMS pumping and others

    Connecting the future with blockchain 

    Celfocus has defined enterprise applications and private ledgers as the cornerstone of its blockchain offer to meet the demands of enterprise clients

    5% of application-to-person SMSs were fraudulent in 2023

    20 billion false messages were sent last year, costing brands about €.1.1bn according to an investigation by Enea and Mobilesquared

    Service providers face new e-Evidence Preservation Mandates in 2024

    Partner content: Meeting the new requirements efficiently and cost effectively

    The outlook for global lawful and location intelligence in 2024

    Partner content: The tactics are well proven, but they are against a shifting background of geopolitical and technological realities

    Vodafone, e& to offer other operators managed voice services globally

    The aim is help meet growing demand for voice over 4G/5G (VoLTE) and build on the agreement they announced last October

    Norway clamps down on operators’ failure to protect the vulnerable

    Regulator found only two of the country’s service providers correctly handle anonymised numbers when users switch provider

    South Africa’s regulator mulls changes to address blackouts

    So far the operators have carried the burden of providing alternative power supplies to avoid network outages

    Network-native consumer security services are CSPs’ new gold standard

    Partner content: Statistics from Allot's live security services deployments highlight a 66% increase in successfully detected and blocked cyber threats in 2023 compared to 2022