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    Huawei unveils the ABC of optical networks for MEA carriers


    Accurate insights, best speeds, constant assurance

    Huawei Technologies has unveiled three major management options for African and Middle Eastern carriers at Ultra-Broadband Forum (UBBF 2022) in Bangkok, Thailand. Its tagline for these new innovations is ‘ABC for OTN’ – which translates as Accurate User Insight (A), Best Wi-Fi Speed Experience (B), and Constant QoE Assurance (C).

    As carriers start to sell more private lines, they need a better knowledge of the Optical Transport Network (OTN) lines they are selling, how they are performing and how they can be tweaked to meet client expectations. Huawei has solved this dilemma with a new invention, iMaster NCE, which is now part of its StellarCue premium broadband hardware range.

    Modern carriers are expanding their range of Optical private lines with high bandwidth, low latency and high reliability, says Huawei. But they need better reporting on events across their lines and more management options. Huawei describes a StellarCue choice of optical transport routes that can be controlled using iMaster NCE, which has added intelligence for optical networking, which in turn creates outstanding monetisation options for private line services.

    In addition to its basic services and alarm monitoring functions, it supports sales through ACTN NBIs, Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN) for Network Business Initiatives. These help carriers improve efficiency and increase revenue, it says. When selling privates carriers can quickly find out the minimum latency of private lines based on the latency map from iMaster NCE.

    In a showcase during the Ultra-Broadband Forum, the latency across a 1200 km line running from Beijing to Shanghai was sown to be 10 ms. OTN optical private lines could network the entire territory of Thailand with a 10 ms latency which would be a dramatic change in network power, said Huawei.

    Since StellarCue can analyse user experience in minutes, carriers have three new management powers. They can make precise identifications of potential users, offer the most accurate and optimal Wi-Fi speed assurance and make their services to the client much more proactive and responsive.

    The Premium Broadband solution with StellarCue has already been commercially deployed in 49 sites in China. It changed the sales conversion rate of FTTR and gigabit services from 3% to 10% in Henan, and lowered the poor-QoE rate from 4.3% to 2.7% by accurate analysis results and proactive rectification in Zhejiang.

    At the UBBF 2022 conference, Huawei explained its ABC Scenario package as Accurate User Insight (A), Best Wi-Fi Speed Experience (B), and Constant QoE Assurance (C). The bottom line is that iMaster NCE Manager helps carriers build better experience and operation models and seize their growth opportunities, said Huawei in a statement.